• Chronic Illness,  Invisible Illness,  Rheumatoid Arthritis

    My Invisible Illness Photo Shoot

    Introduction People often remark that those of us with invisible illnesses “don’t look sick.” However, we deal with substantial physical and emotional challenges. To shed light on the often hidden side of living with chronic illness, I completed an “Invisible Illness Photo Shoot” with dear friend and phenomenal photographer Jessica Keener Photography. Goals of the photo shoot 1. To illustrate that you cannot tell what someone is going through just by looking at them. I hope that these photos help people remember to “be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” (Ian MacLaren). 2. To help those who have similar invisible challenges not feel alone. I have benefited from…

  • Occupational Therapy

    A Video is Worth a Thousand Words: Promoting Occupational Therapy

    Hello, world! I’m still processing the inspiring, overwhelming and thoroughly enjoyable weekend I had at the American Occupational Therapy Association’s 2011 Conference in Philadelphia, PA. I entered the conference prepared to be overwhelmed and inspired by the esteemed Occupational Therapists (OTs), COTAs, Professors, Advocates, and other students from around the country. I did not anticipate that something I created would become a source of inspiration for many of the 6,000 therapists in attendance. My award-winning video about promoting occupational therapy My experience at my first ever national OT conference At the Opening Ceremony on Thursday, my video was announced as the winner of the AOTA Student Video Contest and was…